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Our customized programs can be fully digital or in blended learning (digital and face-to-face training sessions).

virtual classroom

2-hour thematic workshops : 


- For all : develop your daily resilience, find a new worklife balance, decode emotions to enhance relationships at work ;


- For managers : give meaning and reassure your teams in a uncertain world, motivate your teams, ...




1-hour conférences with an expert :


 Managers : soft skills vs hard skills, remote management, teams' health evaluation, ...


- Modular training programs combining short short videos, quizz, customized case studies, summury sheets, ...


- PsychoSociological Risks (PSR), Quality of life at work, Soft skills


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online co-development

1h30 powerful sessions, following an easy step-by-step process. Gain perspective and find solutions to complex situations thanks to each participant's contribution.

online tutoRing

On demand, ask your questions to an expert. Find a confidential space to talk about any situation and enhance his practice.  

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