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"Lybellules"... what is it ?

These are episodes of meditation.

Written by Véronique DIMICOLI and recorded with her voice, illustrated by Anne GIRAUD and produced by Formatys


Where does this idea come from ? 

The project was bordn a few months ago, during our annual event with our partners.

Fascinated by Véronique's voice, Anne challenged Véronique for fun.

It was enough for Formatys to catch this idea and start this collective adventure. Here is the achievement of this beautiful project.


Who is it for ? 

These short moments of relaxation are for you ! Take a break at work, between two projects, during transportation, or at home, ... These episodes are for everyone.

It is also a good opportunity to offer wellness to your employees ...


Episode 1 : « L’arbre de nouvel an »

Bienvenue dans cette balade toute en douceur où vous ferez la rencontre de votre arbre de la nouvelle année : un temps de respiration pour vous-même, une invitation à vous mettre à l’écoute de votre essentiel pour semer les graines de nouveaux rêves et de nouveaux projets.

Our first episode is open access.

To discover the full series, contact us at

This website was modified for you in July 2024

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