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Digital learning effectively uses technology to strengthen a trainee's learning experience. This instructional practice enables the trainees to choose the right time and the right place for them, leading to autonomy.  


Blended learning : mix of solutions ...


Mix digital training and presential training to optimize the learning experience of the trainees and maximize the impact for the company.

Our training solution is easily adaptable to your working environment and dedicated to all actors of prevention (leader, manager, HR...)


Digital learning effectively uses technology to strengthen a trainee's learning experience. This instructional practice enables the trainees to choose the right time and the right place for them, leading to autonomy.  


Blended learning : mix of solutions ...


Mix digital training and presential training to optimize the learning experience of the trainees and maximize the impact for the company.

Our training solution is easily adaptable to your working environment and dedicated to all actors of prevention (leader, manager, HR...)


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blended learning.png


Digital learning effectively uses technology to strengthen a trainee's learning experience. This instructional practice enables the trainees to choose the right time and the right place for them, leading to autonomy.  


Blended learning : mix of solutions ...


Mix digital training and presential training to optimize the learning experience of the trainees and maximize the impact for the company.

Our training solution is easily adaptable to your working environment and dedicated to all actors of prevention (leader, manager, HR...)


We propose digital Training Programmes with different topics and a Collection of short videos with our partner Auteurs de Vues.


We propose digital Training Programmes with different topics and a Collection of short videos with our partner Auteurs de Vues.

"Improving life at work"

by Formatys

Our modular training programmes aimed to develop knowledge and skills :


PsychoSociological Risks (PSR)

Quality of life at work

Soft skills


"Perspective company"

by Auteurs de Vues

Philosophical and sociological themes, "Collection" aimed to sensitize and open mind.


Microleaning : 15  digital capsules about changes in progress in the company and in the work life.

Webinar - Replay

PsychoSociological Risks (PSR), Quality of life at work, Soft skills :

can we train in digital ?


21st November was our first webinar.

A great success, that raised interest from many of you.


We have digital solutions about PSR, Quality of life at work & soft skills.

This website was modified for you in July 2024

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